
Call AWA at 907-272-6292 and join as a volunteer today!


    an 11-point self-help membership benefit program of emergency food, clothing, preventive medical and non-emergency dental care, legal advice, utility bill advocacy and more. Volunteer as part of the benefit staff and learn to coordinate and fill benefits, or become a lay benefit advocate, assist as a driver or an interpreter.


    campaigns alongside AWA members to end government policies that undermine the survival of working families, while fighting for full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 goals now!

  • JOIN…

    AWA members in organizing self-help seasonal and holiday campaigns in the spirit of solidarity and mutual aid, so low-income workers can celebrate the season with decency and dignity.


    in organizing day-to-day activities in AWA’s office including clerical work, phone calls, group publication and letter mail-outs, driving and more.

Volunteer Power Every Hour

Volunteers Make the Difference

The more volunteers we have, the stronger voice we create to put forth our demands for systemic change. Jobs with wages we can live on, adequate food, safe and secure housing and utilities are necessities to end poverty for all working people. Please call AWA at 907-272-6292 to schedule a time you can come in and attend an organizing activity that starts with an orientation for new volunteers. Bring a friend!

AWA has always been ‘green!’

AWA can put your used home and office furniture, working equipment and appliances to re-use!

Volunteer Activities

  • Tuesdays 10am to 12pm

    Volunteers learn how to fill benefit requests from AWA members ranging from recovering stolen wages to stopping illegal evictions or utility shutoffs to resolving unmanageable medical bills.

  • Wednesdays 1pm to 5pm

    Once per week AWA members run a supplemental food distribution for fellow members. We prioritize fresh food items and always need more donations of food, volunteer drivers and other assistance.

(click to expand for more info)

  • Saturdays 10am to 4pm

    Alone and isolated we cannot achieve anything; united we can win! Volunteers canvass door-to-door in low-income neighborhoods where members and potential members live, to build organization where it’s needed the most.

  • AWA’s donated Benefit Office space is located at Mountain View Community Church. The hours are posted at AWA Office Central. Volunteers assist sorting and organizing clothing, greeting members as they arrive and doing benefit intakes for other types of member benefit requests.

  • Sundays 10am to 2pm

    Produce an independent newspaper, eye-catching flyer or a poster to aid the cause of low-income workers. Professionals with skills or complete beginners are welcome!

AWA’s teaching method uses on-the-job training   

See One, Do One, Teach One 

AWA teaches basic organizing skills to all who dare to care and invest the time to learn. No prior experience or special skills are needed.

Organizing as a Profession

Full-time Organizers Needed! 

AWA provides training through all its activities, giving volunteers the opportunity to become professional volunteer organizers. Ask about our organizer training programs, including classes in organizing method and lessons from history of labor and political organizing in the U.S. Volunteers are needed 365 days a year!